Subversion Access
Sourceforge offers a subversion server for developing. If you
want to modify the source, want to add a feature or at least
want to play with the developer version you maybe want to fetch
the sources via subversion.
svn co libhashish
GIT Access
If you want to wrap subversion via git then the followinf lines
are made for you:
git-svn clone https://$
git-svn rebase
git-svn dcommit
Active Developing - Guidelines (not that strict! ;-)
- Please abide to the coding style used in the code (use Linux
kernel coding style).
Small fixes: send with diff -Nuar libhashish-original-dir/
libhashish-new-dir/ generated patch and attach
a why you do it message.
- Average till big changes: create an sourceforge
account and commit changes directly to
the subversion repository - preferred method!
- Last but not least: test your changes! Run
test/unit_test. If you add additional
functionality make sure that the unit tests
also covers your functionality.
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